Strong Bond Mood

Fotografie • Visuele storytelling
Jeffrey loves his dogs so much he made a instagram page dedicated to their cuteness. Lately the page has been getting some traction and he's decided to take the photography of these dogs to a next level.

Client: Jax & Chief Bulldogs
Creative Director: Dave Schreurs
Photographer: Dave Schreurs


Jeffrey loves his dogs so much he made a instagram page dedicated to their cuteness. Lately the page has been getting some traction and he's decided to take the photography of these dogs to a next level. Together with Pixel Moods we decided to wait for the best possible moment to capture him with his dog Jax. As it happened it was very frosty outside so that Jax could run over the ice that was thick enough to ice skate on. I took a few pictures of a dog and his human that show's their love of each other.

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